safety matters for everyone. Choose Safety Over Convenience.

We need to reinforce and remind that traffic safety matters for everyone. Parents/guardians shall continue to practice safe driving habits around the school. The streets around the school are incredibly busy each day during peak times in the morning and afternoon. Please respect the traffic management and use the school pick-up/drop-off and loading zone. Parents/guardians are encouraged to walk or bike to school with their children or park at an adjacent street to reduce traffic congestion. We all win when everyone follows traffic guidelines. Thank you for your cooperation!

traffic management.png


  • DO choose safety over convenience.

  • DO use the crosswalks, no jaywalking.

  • DO use the safety of pick-up/drop-off and loading zone, no idling.

  • DO avoid the 137th Street traffic tangle by parking and walking from an adjacent street.

  • DO mind parking restrictions on 137th St, no violating the posted parking signs.

  • DO leave earlier for morning drop-off and arrive later for afternoon pick-up.

  • DO consider alternatives such as walking, biking, and carpooling whenever possible.

  • DO show respect for our traffic volunteers, our neighborhood and each other.


  • DO drive slowly to stop your vehicle as close as possible to the front of drop-off area, the position that our traffic volunteer stands.

  • DO become a better driver by remaining seated in your vehicle and ready to go after your children get off.

  • DO help your children place backpacks and organize all items together on backseat. Be prepared for drop off prior to arrivals.

  • DO help your children get rid of unsafe habits of stepping out from the left side of your vehicle.


  • DO NOT drop students off in the middle of the street. Letting students step out into traffic in the lane are putting your own and other children at risk.

  • DO NOT make U-turns in the middle of traffic.

  • DO NOT park or stop on 137th St, east side between 25th and 26th Ave.

  • DO NOT park or stop at the exit of the pick-up/drop-off area.

  • DO NOT block the entrance of staff parking.

  • DO NOT enter the staff parking.