Every parent or guardian of a student at Chantrell Creek Elementary is a member of our PAC.
PAC Executives collaborate with families, school and community partners to support an engaging learning environment for our children.
Specific duties of your PAC Executives include:
Share parents' views with the principal and staff on any matter relating to school programs, policies, plans, and activities.
Provide financial support to school projects and activities.
Communicate and provide information to parents related to PAC supported activities.
Encourage collaborative efforts between home and school in support of enhancing the learning of our children.
Provide advocacy support through sharing information and resources to parents.
To contribute to the effectiveness of the school by promoting volunteerism of parents, guardians, and other community members.
PAC Executives are volunteer parents/guardians voted-in for a maximum 3-year term. Your 2024-2025 PAC Executives are:
Chair: Amanda Doyle
Vice Chair: Rosalyn Wookey
Treasurer: Karolina MacDonald
Secretary: Sameera Kathrada
Hot Lunch/Tech Coordinator: Hartej Gill
Hot Lunch Coordinator: Nav Toor
Safety/Traffic Coordinator: Vacant
Care Fund Coordinator: Ram Gregoriou
Book Fair Coordinator: Sue Wevers
Fruit and Vegetable +Milk Coordinator: Annie Shi
DPAC Representative: Jasbir Roopra
Members at Large: Shemu Gill, Zoe Buchmann